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ST LAURENCE CHURCH: Telscombe Village has a service of Holy Communion every Sunday at 11am. Visitors always welcome.

WI: Peacehaven and Telscombe Women’s Institute meet in the Civic Centre on the second Wednesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Email the secretary at [email protected] for a copy of the meeting agenda.

SUPPORT GROUP: Breast Cancer Support Group meet on the first Wednesday of each month from 1pm to 3.30pm in the Civic Centre.

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COUNCIL MEETINGS: The Planning and Highways Committee meet on Monday at 7.30pm. Please note, if there is insufficient business, meetings may be cancelled. Please therefore telephone the Civic Centre on 01273 589777 to ensure that the meeting is being held. Meetings are open to members of the public who are able to ask questions for a 15 minute period at the start of each meeting. Meetings are held in Telscombe Civic Centre, 360 South Coast Road unless otherwise stated.

FOOTNOTES: Returning home from a trip to London the other day, I was reminded of one of the benefits of living on our stretch of coast. As I stepped out of the car, I breathed in and tasted the clean air sweeping off the sea. After an hour or so in the air of London, with its faint aroma of oil and cooking from the endless cafes and restaurants that seem to occupy every high road in the capital, and which, I admit, I used quite happily when I lived there, it was marvellous to breathe deeply of sea air. I tend to forget small things like that and it was good to be reminded of them.

To Sainsburys for the usual twice a week shopping. I was wondering why the car park was unusually full, then I realised it was the Easter weekend coming up. It always baffles me, in an age when shops hardly close at all, Bank Holidays included, why some have to lay in food as though the world was coming to a complete standstill for a fortnight. Anyway, I collected my modest requirements for the weekend and retired back home, to bury myself in a couple of scripts for the duration. However, I hope you all had a happy Easter and enjoyed the break. The sun is shining brilliantly as I pen this, but the weathermen are predicting dire things to come, but hey, what do they know? Enjoy your week.

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