Marina café allowed to stay

The popular Quarterdeck Café in Itchenor has won permission to stay at its marina base.

More than 130 letters were submitted to the district council in support the application for a permanent change of use at the shipyard building, with around 40 comments against.

The café has been trading for two years on a temporary permit.

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Planning officers agreed there should be no further expansion of the café’s operations but it could remain indefinitely with restrictions on music, lighting and operating hours.

Café owner Tim Sturton-Davis said: “The support we received from our customers for our application was tremendous and we’re incredibly grateful. It is fantastic news.”

A report by Chichester Harbour Conservancy noted the café provided a ‘useful amenity’ for people using the public footpath by the marina and it ‘complimented rather than competed’ with the nearby Ship Inn.

Conditions of use restrict the site to use as a café rather than a restaurant or entertainment venue as the marina is in a protected area.

Application 17/02309/FUL