‘Mindless criminals’ break into Eastbourne charity shop in ‘heart-breaking’ theft

‘Mindless criminals’ broke into an Eastbourne charity shop and stole money and clothing.

The Cats Protection charity shop in Seaside was the target of a break-in on March 15.

Two thieves threw bricks through a glass door, broke open the till and stole cash from the collection tin before grabbing clothing from rails as they escaped, said Cats Protection.

No staff were on duty and the tills are emptied at the close of trading or the losses could have been much worse, it added.

Police were alerted to the raid by a nearby resident, but the thieves had left by the time officers arrived. Officers remained on site until the premises was secure and returned to collect evidence the morning after the attack.

Shop manager Anna Walker said: “Charity shops like ours work hard to raise every pound, especially in these difficult times. We are proud of our shop and we do our best to make the window displays attractive and inviting to our regular customers, so it was especially demoralising to see the damage done.”

The shop has reopened but it faces large bills to repair the damage to windows, displays and stock.

Area retail manager Richard Preece added: “This has been very upsetting for our team in Eastbourne, who ensure the shop is clean, well-stocked and welcoming to customers who spend hard-earned money with us, knowing it will help local cats.

“Now we need that money to repair damage caused by these mindless criminals. That can’t be right, can it? For someone to target us, to steal from an animal charity and the volunteers who give up their time for a cause that means the world to them, is heart-breaking.”

The charity is appealing to supporters for donations to its recoup losses due to the attack.

Richard said: “We enjoy very good relations with local retailers and shoppers in Eastbourne, we’re part of a strong community. Our focus now is to get back on our feet, ensure our staff and volunteers feel safe at work, and to put this upsetting incident behind us.

“So we are asking the generous people of Eastbourne to help with any financial donations or good quality second-hand items so we can replenish our stock and continue to raise vital funds for local cats in need.”

A spokesperson for Sussex Police said: “Police were called following a break-in at the Cats Protection charity shop in Seaside Road, Eastbourne, around 11.35pm on March 15.

“Officers responded to the scene, by which time the suspects had fled.

"Enquiries are ongoing to identify any suspects and determine if anything was stolen.

"In the meantime, anyone with information is asked to report it online or call 101, quoting crime reference 47240050390.”