Brighton illustrator records the strange dreams people are having during lockdown

Brighton artists Morgan McHale-Dill has been asking people to submit accounts of weird dreams they are experiencing during this strange time, and has been transforming them into beautiful illustrations.

She explained: “According to psychologists, people are having weird dreams more frequently during quarantine as our anxiety is enhanced, plus our sleeping patterns are all off. We can see this through the hashtag #covidreams and #pandemicnightmares that have been trending globally.”

Morgan believes that visualising your weird dreams can support dealing with the traumatic nature of them, alleviating the dark mystery about them into something beautiful.

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People can submit their own dreams to Morgan through direct message or through the hashtag #morgandrawslockdowndreams and she will visualise all dreams for free.

You can follow Morgan and view her art on Instagram by searching for ‘The girl who draws foxes and things’.

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