Hellingly and Horsebridge

Hellingly & Horsebridge newsHellingly & Horsebridge news
Hellingly & Horsebridge news
CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: Come along to this lively event at Hellingly Village Hall on Saturday November 18 from 10am till noon. There will be cake, kitchen and bathroom, toy, book stalls, raffle, tombola and refreshments.

NAMES FOR ALL SAINTS: Traditionally Hellingly church will be remembering the names of loved ones at their All Saints services on Sunday. If you would like to have a name read then please put them on the lists available in the churches.

SERVICE OF THANKS: On Wednesday November 15 at 6.30pm there will be a Service of Thanks for Dr Colin Tourle’s Medical Charity, IASIS, which provides medical assistance to people who are marginalised either because of conflict, poverty or the remoteness of their homes.

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CONCERT: On Saturday November 25 there is a Wealden Brass concert, at 6.30pm at Hellingly Church. Tickets £8 to include light refreshments, available on the door or call 01323 841685.

1ST CHIDDINGLY REPORT: 1st Chiddingly Rainbows, Brownies and Guides have been very busy this year. They meet at Chiddingly Village hall, Mondays in term time 5.30pm to 7pm. The Dicker is included within this catchment area. They currently have Rainbows (5 to 7 years), Guides (10 to 14 years) and a Young Leader (14 to 16 years) from the Dicker but would welcome more and any Brownies (7 to 10 years). The three sections meet alongside each other, following their own programmes. Coral Carpenter reports: Rainbows have been to several Rainbow 30th Birthday events: County level (Blackberry farm), Division level (Fun at thirty in the woods) and District level (traditional party). Swapped over 30 birthday cards with other Rainbow units in Great Britain and abroad. Been on a Rainbow sleepover and had a teddy bear themed one in October. In meetings have made promise badges jars, a new Rainbow for our promise ceremonies, flower fairies, edible necklaces along with learning new songs and games. On a walk along the Cuckoo trail from Hellingly made journey sticks attaching items found to a stick. September they made pizza, yoga, completed their Hats Off challenge. Brownies have been outside at Bull River to work on their RSBP challenge followed by a campfire with s’mores. Done the chip walk along the Cuckoo trail with the Guides following a photo trail. Summer sport led to the agility badge. Mr Elf Owl helped do a session on planes, including paper aeroplanes. Cooking of cakes as practise for their cake stall and entries into the local horticultural show. In June piloted and gave feedback on Influencer Skills Builder for the new Brownie Programme. The summer saw an activity day shelter building and a camp with other local packs up at Bull river. September tried out more of the new programme, food and badges. Guides have focused on food the last term planned, cooked and washed up a main meal and pudding supported by a trained chef. Completed the Chocolate go for it: compared chocolate, designed their own wrappers and did a chocolate quiz. Organised a 70th Birthday party with party food and games. Out of doors cooked sausages and eggy bread on an altar fire at Bull River. We are small but active and are looking forward to attending Sparkle and Ice, a National camp at Blackland’s in February. Camped with 1st Hailsham and Egham Hythe at Easter. Attended a County woodlands Day at Pickett’s wood in July. Two Leaders are led the County trip to Ireland at the end of July with one Guide and four from 2nd Hellingly all having been selected via County. September saw two new Guides, supporting over school changes and new programme taster pack. If your daughter is interested, please register her under www.girlguiding.org. uk/joinus and Elf Owl will be in touch.

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