Latest reported burglaries in Horsham district

Here are the latest burglaries in the Horsham distritc, reported to the police in the past couple of weeks.

- Plummers Plain, Horsham - between 11am – 2pm January 26.

Large brick was used to break rear patio window, TV stolen.

- Hayes Lane, Slinfold - between 2pm – 2.45pm January 26.

Brick used to break conservatory door, chainsaw, vacuum cleaner and Apple Mac were stolen.

- Edburton Road, Henfield - between 1am - 7am January 27.

Quad bike stolen from a barn.

- Church Street, Storrington - between 8.30am January 24 and 5.30pm January 26.

Garage door was broken and garage entered, nothing stolen.

- Denne Road, Horsham - between January 25-29.

Outbuilding broken into, nothing stolen.